
Gingivitis is a painless infection of the gums that starts out as plaque, an opaque film on the teeth, that hardens to form tartar. Plaque and tarter that sits on the teeth provides an environment, which allows bacteria to thrive and multiply. This bacteria causes the gums to become inflamed and bleed easily. These early warning signs become more noticeable when you brush your teeth or sometimes when you eat. The bacteria involved in gingivitis attacks the soft tissue of the gums surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal or gum disease and doesn't involve bone loss around the teeth. Pregnant women are at an increased risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis so routine dental hygiene visits are key if you are expecting.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue that left untreated, will progress to periodontitis and eventually tooth loss. Just the word gingivitis can strike panic in a patient’s mind. The reality is that the treatment is simple and performed right in your dentist’s office. Gingivitis is easily treated by having the hygienist scale and polish the teeth. Scaling is the removal of the dental tartar from the tooth surface without any numbing required.